
法里什总统体现了世界所需要的很多东西——他对思想的开放, 他专注而有目的地倾听别人说话的方式, 他的参与和奉献他人的激情和追求, 他真诚的善良和在谈话中与你处于同一水平的能力. 在他任职期间,RWU真的很幸运, 因为他不仅仅是一位总统——他是一个真正的好人.


罗德岛失去了一个美妙的, 随着唐·法里什校长的去世,高等教育的英明捍卫者. President Farish embodied the ideals that Roger Williams set forth for Rhode Island, 网赌的十大网站在他深思熟虑的领导下蓬勃发展. 我的心与他同在. Farish’s family and the countless members of the Roger Williams University community whose lives he changed for the better.

— U.S. 森. 谢尔登·怀特豪斯

WaterFire and its Board of Directors are dedicating this Saturday’s lighting of WaterFire to honor President Donald Farish of Roger Williams University for his inspiring leadership and transformative impact on our community and nation. 法里什校长热爱这所大学, 它的学生和他在建立这个机构时所面临的挑战. He was an articulate and active national spokesman for the importance of higher education and the necessity of keeping college both relevant and affordable. 在法里什的领导下, 大学蓬勃发展, 在许多方面扩大其参与范围.


他和他的妻子玛雅是表演艺术的大冠军. 我记得他们会来看我们所有的演出. Although my fondest memory of him will be when he served me 2 servings of biscuits and gravy at late-night breakfast after I said that it was my favorite. 他是一位出色的大学校长,我们将怀念他.

——剧院12年级的Nicole Wielga

Don Farish will be honored beyond the campus for his clear-eyed understanding of the challenges faced by higher education and his bold proposals to meet them. 在大学里, 他的口才将为人们所铭记, 情报, 感谢他对我们学生的深切关怀.

- RWU临时主席安德鲁·沃克曼

我对法里什校长的逝世深感悲痛. He was truly a scholar and a gentleman who touched the lives of countless students, 罗杰·威廉姆斯社区的教职员工和成员. 他对发现、学习和服务他人的奉献精神将被深深怀念.

— U.S. 森. 杰克里德

四年前, as I tightly hugged my freshman son one last time before heading home to New Jersey, 透过我的眼泪,我注意到总统和夫人. Farish. 他们看到了我和Mrs. 法里什说:“别担心,我们会好好照顾他的.法里什校长对我笑了笑,我知道他在RWU得到了很好的照顾. We will be forever grateful to both of them for the nurturing community they created, 这将为其他许多人留下印记.

——Donna Rice Macaluso 

听到这个消息,我非常难过. 法里什校长对网赌的十大网站的贡献以及我们整个州都不会被遗忘. Andy and I are thinking of his family, friends and the RWU community during this time.

——罗德岛州长. 吉娜米. Raimondo

President Farish led the University to serve its students and the wider Bristol and Rhode Island community in purposeful ways. 他接受了高等教育, creating significant roles for universities to play in their communities and opening avenues for student to gain experience across disciplines and to apply these skills to improving the world.

——伊丽莎白·弗朗西斯, 罗德岛人文委员会执行主任, 以及图巴·卡扎菲, 罗德岛人文科学委员会的董事会成员

Since President Farish took over in 2011, Roger Williams University has grown by leaps and bounds. He literally redefined the ideals for which this institution stands when he articulated a new visionary goal: ‘To build the university the world needs now.’

— U.S. 代表. 大卫·N. Cicilline

唐·法里什是网赌的十大网站的杰出领袖. He not only had great vision for the University but great vision for higher education in general. His efforts to expand experiential learning while freezing tuition for our students was innovative and moved the University forward. 他以卓越的领导力、透明度和对每个人的尊重做到了这一点. 我们将深深地怀念他.

- RWU财务和行政执行副总裁Jerome Williams

我对我的好朋友、RWU校长唐纳德·法里什的去世深感悲痛. 作为学术界的领导者和社区的拥护者, his passionate work to uplift lives led to fruitful partnerships that opened doors for students and Providence communities. 我们会怀念法里什总统,他是这座城市宝贵的合作伙伴, 我们将珍惜他留下的遗产.

——普罗维登斯市长乔治O. Elorza

我们的心和祈祷与他的家人和整个RWU社区同在. He was the first one at Open House (we shared a cupcake and some nice conversation) who made us feel like Shelby was at the right place.


法里什校长是一位令人难以置信的有远见的领袖和人. 我很荣幸他能成为RWU的校长,无论是作为学生还是校友. 他的领导是变革性的,并将在RWU留下持久的遗产.

— Nibal Awad '12, RWU 校友 Association Executive Board Member and Criminal Justice major

在RIHS工作, 我有幸认识了法里什校长, 不仅通过他的工作,还通过他对罗德岛的热爱和享受. He was a thoughtful and determined leader who recognized the ways in which the past informed the present, 他总是意识到他的决定将如何影响未来. And he did, in so many ways, shape the future of Rhode Island through his work here. 他改变了我们州许多人的人生道路, 甚至是我们的国家, by making choices that increased access to education by removing barriers to pursuing a college degree. He believed in the transformative nature of education and inspired so many of us by his words and deeds. 他在罗德岛的历史上为自己开辟了一个独特的位置... 他的贡献将永存.

— C. 摩根·格里夫,罗德岛历史学会执行理事

My thoughts are with the friends and family of President Farish and the entire Roger Williams University community during this difficult time. His remarkable contributions to the University and higher education will never be forgotten.

— U.S. 代表. 詹姆斯·R. 朗之万

Such sad news and a huge loss, not only for RWU, but for the entire Rhode Island community. President Farish expanded our view of the role of higher education and the role of RWU in the community. 他很谦虚, accessible and supported individual initiatives that were in line with his vision for educating engaged and enlightened citizens.
