沟通 & 媒体研究

Investigate the relationship between culture and communication in our globally diverse society through the 沟通 & RWU的媒体研究项目. Our students learn how to apply their writing, research and problem-solving skills to public advocacy and building community across cultures, cultivating a strong sense of social justice and civil responsibility that prepares them for work and life in an ever-changing world.




While matriculating in the 沟通 & 媒体研究课程,学生:

  • 学习理论, 模型, and concepts that investigate the relationship between culture and communication.
  • Develop research skills relevant to the study of culture and communication.
  • Cultivate a concern for communication ethics, social justice, and civic responsibility.
  • Understand the dynamics related to communication technologies and new media and develop appropriate applied skills.
  • 完善和培养写作技巧, 批判性思维能力, 创造力, 以及解决问题的能力.

A statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

沟通 & 媒体研究 程序(CMS) focuses on communication as a fundamental and all-encompassing human activity involving the construction and sharing of messages and various meaning-making activities in our local and global contexts. 在教室里, we build supportive environments where diversity, 股本, and inclusion are essential elements, and where communities of learners commit to upholding the inherent dignity of each other.

A headshot of 卡米尔·格特莱斯-皮尔特博士.D.


卡米尔·格特莱斯-皮尔特博士.D. 副教授
沟通 & 媒体研究

At RWU our faculty incorporate real world topics that underscore classroom lessons, making the work both relevant and impactful. Dr. Gentles-Peart strives to make her classwork applicable for all students.



  • 普罗维登斯旅游局
  • 阿诺德广告
  • RDW集团广告
  • WPRI第12频道
  • 纽波特网球名人堂
  • 东湾报章
  • 孩之宝,国际扶轮
  • 探戈照片
  • 国际电影节


  • ESPN
  • 美联社
  • 东湾报章
  • 纽波特网球名人堂
  • 停止 & 商店
  • 孩之宝,国际扶轮
  • Olender媒体
  • 法玛的公关
  • Mequoda日报和图书馆
  • 霍顿•米夫林公司
  • 国民银行


  • 爱默生学院
  • 波士顿大学
  • 波士顿学院
  • 罗德岛大学
  • 锡拉丘兹大学
  • 本特利大学
  • 纽约大学

Juris Doctor/Bachelor's 3+3 Accelerated Program (J.D.)

Earn your bachelor’s and juris doctor degrees in six years through RWU’s Three-Plus-Three Law program. You’ll get a jump-start on your J.D. by integrating law courses into your undergraduate studies and completing undergraduate requirements in your first year of law school. Accepted students will take first-year courses in the 法学院 along with legal electives to fulfill undergraduate fourth-year requirements. Interested students must indicate their intent to pursue a 3+3 pathway early in their undergraduate studies for curriculum planning and advising.
