
Our unique 人类学+社会学 program combines the ideas and methods of these two social sciences into an integrated study of social change, 多样性和文化意识, 本地和全球. You’ll build strong hands-on research skills to prepare you for a career in community and social service, 以营利为目的的商业, 或者是法律的高级学位, education, 社会工作或公共政策.



本科专业 文学学士 in 人类学+社会学 must satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirements including the mathematics requirement (

数学124 -基本统计

, is recommended); the College speech requirement,

COMM 210

; the courses listed below; and a sufficient number of electives to total 120 credits.






另外八门人类学和社会学课程, at least three of these courses must be at the 300 level or above.




一群人类学和社会学专业的学生在一起合影在你大四的时候, you'll have the opportunity to apply your qualitative research skills through an anthropological and sociological lens. 在顶点课程,ANSOC 400:高级研讨会, 学生从事自己选择的原创性研究. 你会形成自己的研究问题, 研究协议, 进行研究, and then analyze and present your findings at a professional academic conference and to your peers and faculty members at the university.


“Questioning the Girl in Girl Scouts: How Policies Surrounding Gender and Sexuality Affect the Feeling of Belonging in a Single-Sex Organization”

Tobias Pydych, 23岁
“The Working Man, His Masculinity, and The Performance of Foodwork”

Jeraldyn拉米雷斯, 23岁
“Law and the Border: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding the Complexities of the Immigration System”’

"Tweeting and Shit Like That: An Intersectional Approach to Attitudes and Representation of Activism"

“我没有选择杯子生活。, The Mug Life Chose Me: Aesthetic and Identity Performance In Rhode Island Coffee Shops"

"A Familiar Dance: Inside The Past and Present Complexities in the Eurocentric Narratives of Ballet and Modern Dance"

"Lavender Lens: Understanding The Queer Community Through Anthropology 1990-2020"

A War on Two Fronts: The Battle of Being Both a Second-Generation Immigrant and First-Generation College Students

Jonica Degrasse, 19岁          

ANSOC 2022毕业生在2022年5月的毕业典礼上


alumni panel
Alumni return each spring to share their advice on building a career with an 人类学+社会学 degree.

We prepare our students for successful careers throughout your years in the program, 特别是在你的大四. A+S部门与RWU职业中心合作 & 专业发展,帮助每一个学生 develop personal interviewing, résumé-building and networking skills, 举办非正式的咖啡时间, where students can meet with career advisors and get advice on preparing for the job search and interviews. 在春天, we present an alumni panel geared specifically at addressing our current undergraduates' questions about what they can do with a degree in anthropology and sociology. 除了让我们的学生为就业做好准备, we also provide students with opportunities to attend and present at professional conferences, where students share their research with experts in the field and make connections that open doors to job opportunities. 


Our major, minor and core concentrators find themselves in all different career fields. However, many draw on the same skills they studied and learned in their anthropology + sociology courses. 他们认为,这些课程让他们对文化更敏感, and this translated into the work they do and their interactions with colleagues. Our alumni say these are some of the qualities and skills that the 人类学+社会学 program provided them:

  • 通过了解不同价值观的人, principles, commitments, 和背景, 他们有效地与人和机构合作,并为他们服务.
  • Instilling attentiveness to and understanding of group dynamics.
  • The ability to understand the different lenses through which people engage the world.
  • The 人类学+社会学 program's focus on hands-on projects involving collaboration, data collection and analysis translated directly into understanding the social interactions of the workplace.

 Alexis Wozdusiewicz, Jeraldyn拉米雷斯, 和瑞秋·巴罗斯 with Jason Patch表彰优秀学生

Congratulations to our 2022 award winners for best new students Alexis Wozdusiewicz, Jeraldyn拉米雷斯, 和瑞秋·巴罗斯.

These students represent an exceptional new cohort of 人类学+社会学 students . They are wonderful in class, high-performing academically, and express the values of the department.


  1. 人类学与社会学的整合
  2. “动手”应用学习
  3. 全球竞争力
  4. 服务价值
  5. 原始研究
  6. Critical engagement, requiring thoughtful and questioning participation in learning