Community Connections 2024

Join us for Community Connections 2024 from August 20-24. This unique four-day program includes on-site community engagement and orientation activities led by returning students ready to help you acclimate to RWU, Bristol and the surrounding area. You will serve alongside other incoming students and local leaders, learning more about the issues that affect our community and yourself as a person, 公民和学者.

After participating in pre-service orientation, you will head out into the community for two days of service at a local non-profit. 你可能在画画, 排序的捐款, 做绿化, or playing bingo with residents of a care facility. 

社区领袖, returning students who know our campus and community well, lead projects and share insights about college and community with you.  You will also work alongside up to 50 other incoming students and local leaders who run community organizations. 

Each day you will engage in reflection to consider what your experience and what it means for you as a person, 公民和学者. Evenings are for social activities designed to help you become more comfortable on campus and to meet more people.

$175 includes all meals, transportation from campus to sites, materials and t-shirt. Housing is provided for residential students only. We will accept up to 50 incoming students. 

提交申请 no later than June 30, 2024. 

Acceptances will be announced by July 15, 2024.

Are you a returning student interested in being a Community Leader for this year's program?  Positions are still available!  

应用 to be a Community Leader 待考虑!