
Preparing students for a variety of careers through academics, 社区参与, 体验式学习

The 历史系 is passionate about history and culture, and that passion drives our activities in the classroom and in our scholarship.  我们有才华的教师精通各种主题, 教学风格, 教育环境, and we take seriously our role in undergraduate education at Roger Williams University.  从古代亚述或恰帕斯的土地权利, 美国家庭或蒸汽朋克漫画文化, 我们已经准备好提高你的学术经验.

Students majoring in History are encouraged to participate in 社区参与 体验式学习 opportunities including internships, 出国留学, 以及校外项目. 在布里斯托尔校区, we are involved with the Community Partnership Center (CPC) where local organizations work with Roger Williams University to submit requests for assistance to advance their needs. Our students have been an integral part of numerous CPC projects including working numerous museums, 基金会和社团的广泛倡议. History students are also involved with the Foundation for the International Medical Relief for Children (FIRMC), an organization that offers free medical care to children and mothers.


教师 in the 历史系 support people's right to protest against oppressive systems, to find ways to make their voices heard when they are ignored, 沉默, 或者被掌权者抹去. As faculty who study the past and its ramifications for our present, we know that effective protests have not always been peaceful, and that "civility" is often a word deployed as a tactic to control people's behaviors. 在《网赌的十大网站》一书中,伊布拉姆. Kendi wrote: "If my ideological ancestors did not harass their political opponents, 我还是会被奴役. 我仍然会被法律隔离. I would still be one traffic stop away from death without any sustained movement insisting that my black life matters...建设性的对抗是爱."

As educators, our front line is the classroom, and our tool is knowledge. 在我们的课堂上, 学生将了解压迫, 权力, 以及历史上和现在的特权, in order to have a critical understanding of the origins of systemic and institutional racism in the U.S. and the world, and the mechanisms by which they are enabled and maintained.

Dismantling oppression and doing anti-racism work requires us to reflect on ourselves, 倾听别人的经历, 了解历史,这样我们就不会重蹈覆辙. In that spirit, we are providing resources to foster awareness, understanding, growth, and action:


Nataliya Murphy '16  works with filmmaker Christian de Rezendes


Associate Professor of History Charlotte Carrington-Farmer was one of the consulting historians for “Slaversville: America’s First Mill Village” documentary on RIPBS. Three RWU students worked on a community engaged project that was central to the making of the documentary. 本·谢夫,18岁, 艾玛·勒杜,18岁, and Nataliya Murphy '16 worked on transcribing a range of 18th and 19th-century letters for the film and their names feature in the opening credits.




Meet the faculty and staff that make up our History programs.



我们提供历史专业和辅修学位课程. 探索每个本科课程:




Discover some of the most unique History courses offered at the University that our faculty prides itself on teaching. Our faculty looks forward to creating an innovative classroom experience for each student.



Students have several opportunities to gain real world experience through local 社区参与 体验式学习 on a global level. Learn more about these opportunities that are vital to our History students' education.  
