

尼古拉斯·莫里森,RWU 2019届毕业生

主要:  施工管理
未成年人:  业务 + 心理学


双修:商科 & 心理学

Two Project Management Summer Internships with Consigli Construction
One Estimating Winter Internship with Consigli Construction

I estimate mainly within the healthcare and life science markets.  通常, 这些项目规模相对较小, but having a hand in renovating spaces within active hospitals that will serve to better accommodate front line workers and patients in need is continually rewarding.

The most notable project I have been a part of was the preconstruction efforts of the 212,000平方英尺, five-story Patient Pavilion at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, 目前正在黎巴嫩建造, NH.

2017 ASC Region 1 Heavy Civil Competition - Project Engineer
2018 ASC Region 1 Heavy Civil Competition - Chief Scheduler
2019 ASC National Preconstruction Competition - Safety Director

现在我入职几年了, I enjoy working on healthcare projects that ultimately can make a great difference in someone’s life.  沿着同样的路线, I eventually want to be working on projects that benefit society as a whole, 更具体地说, 致力于可持续发展项目.  这是建筑业的一个激动人心的时刻, 像现在一样, 更甚于以往, we are developing and implementing new technologies and building materials with sustainable goals in mind.

Keeping in touch with RWU is a top priority of mine as well.  I have many fond memories of Bristol and must give a lot of credit to the RWU CM program for me being where I am today, so I’d like to always pay it back and help CM students during their time there.  This past year, I had the pleasure of mentoring for Consigli’s section of the capstone course.  Being on the other side of the final presentations was a unique experience.   

Although the most daunting, senior year’s capstone project was my favorite.  It was easily one of the most rewarding experiences of my college career, as my teammates and I were able to showcase everything we had learned over the past three and a half years, 最后, 从被证明的人那里得到有价值的反馈, 体验行业内的专业人士.

你为什么选择RWU CM?
诚实, 作为一个17岁的高中生, I was not at all positive on what to study in college.  我一直是一个勤奋的学生, 但我在建筑领域没有经验, 只是从小就有兴趣.  我在考虑工程学, 市场营销, 和会计, 但我知道从长远来看, the job opportunities in the construction field would never be in short supply.  So, I took a shot, and declared 施工管理 after being accepted to RWU.  It only took a few weeks of 施工管理 classes for me to realize I was in the right place.  小班授课, 动手实验课程, and highly knowledgeable professors from a variety of backgrounds all reassured me that I had made the right decision.  The views of the bay and downtown Bristol didn’t hurt either.