Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory

The Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory, directed by Dr. Galit Sharon, provides disease diagnostic services to the shellfish and finfish aquaculturists, 推广机构以及州和联邦监管机构,包括:科德角合作推广服务, the MA Dept. of Marine Fisheries, RI Dept. of Environmental Management and USDA APHIS. 

该实验室的使命是通过向水产养殖业提供诊断服务来支持水产养殖业和相关的水生动物产业, 罗得岛州和其他东北部州的推广机构和监管机构. 

该实验室的重点是水生动物的疾病,包括所有类型的鱼类和贝类, with a concentration on diseases of bivalve mollusks.  我们使用传统的病理诊断方法结合尖端的分子技术.

The laboratory engages in externally funded, 水产动物健康研究和培训RWU海洋生物学学生在水产动物健康诊断和护理方法使用最新的技术.

The ADL was founded in 2009 with the help of RI Senator Reed. The laboratory is directed by Dr. Galit Sharon, DVM and her technician Abigail Scro, BS.

The Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) is part of the Center for Economic and Environmental Development (CEED) at Roger Williams University.

Submission Forms

Please be sure to download, fill out and include this form with your animals.

Download a Fish Submission Form
Download a Bivalve Submission Form

The Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) Team

The Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory is directed by Galit Sharon, DVM. ADL团队专注于为当地水产养殖者或研究人员提供资助的研究项目和疾病诊断.

在整个学年和夏季,RWU在ADL的学生积极参与资助和独立的研究项目,并协助疾病诊断程序. Many students start in the lab as freshman or sophomores, as either work study (paid) students or volunteers, 在他们大三或大四的时候进行研究项目,这些项目通常会成为他们的毕业论文或基于学分的研究项目. 




如有任何其他问题或疑虑,请致电Galit Sharon, DVM (401) 254-3299

Our Work

我们的实验室与URI合作开发了一种定量PCR,可以检测到最重要的三种, contagious diseases in oysters.  该方法已应用于所有东牡蛎常规诊断病例,为东牡蛎疾病的监测和诊断提供了依据.  其他实验室也开始在他们的诊断工作中采用这种方法.  对鱼类和贝类的任何未确诊的健康问题都需要进行组织学评估.  我们的实验室定期提供这项服务,以确定疾病爆发的原因. 

Additionally, 该实验室为东北地区其他需要帮助的研究人员提供组织学诊断服务. Current research supportive, histological work includes the evaluation of mussels exposed to HABs, the occurrence of a protozoan parasite in sea scallops, and oysters exposed to plastic fibers.  


Current Research

Our current research involves the epidemiology of, and the molecular basis for, 硬壳蛤瘤变的发生(由东北地区水产养殖中心和美国农业部资助).  This disease was first identified in Mercenaria mercenaria (hard clams) in MA.  We have determined that the disease is spread directly, most likely by a neoplastic cell, and is affecting populations of aquacultured hard clams in the northeast. 我们目前正在评估各种硬蛤种群,以确定这种疾病在马萨诸塞州和周边各州的程度,并与监管机构合作,确定如何最好地解决这种新的硬蛤疾病引起的问题. 

The Laboratory has developed a quantitative PCR test method that quantitates Vibrio parahemolyticus and V. vulnificus in oyster, water and sediment samples.  我们使用这些方法来确定美国东北部的水产养殖条件.S. 可能促进牡蛎和其他双壳类动物体内这种引起人类疾病的细菌积累的河口(由国际扶轮海洋基金资助), MA Sea Grant and NRAC).  We currently are working with another researcher (Boston U.) to identify the occurrence and abundance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus 滤食性牡蛎中与海藻养殖有关的积累(国际海洋研究所资助).

确定海龟的微生物群是最近的研究重点(与库纳姆塞特农场基金会合作). Identifying the microbiome of sea turtles that are stranded vs. 那些在海洋里的,可能有助于开发有效的搁浅处理方法.

Developing new diagnostic tests is an important goal in the laboratory.  目前正在开发的分子检测和定量测试方法包括对发生在海扇贝肌肉中的一种重要原生动物寄生虫的测试, 并对引起海洋观赏鱼发病和死亡的两种重要原生动物寄生虫进行了检测.