
双专业学分教师指导, Leadership Opportunities with Soaring to Success

Drawing from her Graphic Design Communications and Creative Writing studies and internship at Nickelodeon, 高年级学生卢塞罗·布兰科的目标是从事动画工作.

作者:Jordan Durfee, 24年
Senior Lucero Blanco stands in front of a window in GHH that looks out to the water

高级卢塞罗·布兰科(她/他们), a Graphic Design Communications and Creative Writing double major and Marine Biology minor from Norwich, 康涅狄格州., has set her sights on a career working in animation. The first-generation student, who interned last summer at Nickelodeon Animation in Burbank, Calif., serves on the executive board of the Marine Science Club and the Sexuality and Gender Alliance at RWU. 她也是设计俱乐部的活跃成员, 艺术俱乐部, 有色人种女性俱乐部, 以及多元文化学生会.

实习机会: “我在Nickelodeon的实习非常棒. Not only did I get to learn so much about the industry that I've always dreamed about being a part of, but I also got to connect and meet others in the industry, and there are no words to describe how incredible they were. Right now, I wish to break into either the prop design or storyboard field or even concept art. But my biggest dream is to create my own show or book series, so I can tell my stories and have a positive impact on kids.”

领导能力: “我是海洋科学俱乐部的主席, Marketing Chair for the Sexuality and Gender Alliance, and I was previously a Social Media Chair for the Design Club and still remain a member of the club. I'm also a part of the 艺术俱乐部, Multicultural Student Union, and 有色人种女性俱乐部. Being involved in all these clubs has helped me learn better communication skills as well as how to work on a team, 它给了我很多联系. These roles have helped me glimpse into what a leading role in the careers I wish to pursue would be like, since I now have a better understanding of the framework that goes on behind the scenes, 尤其是在经营俱乐部的时候. 因为我希望有一天我也能做一个系列, 我现在有了技能——沟通, 方向, and teamwork – that I can carry once I reach that eventual goal.”

教师指导: “I've made so many connections and have had a lot of mentors at Roger. Nikki Juen was always there to offer support, no matter what. She helped me with my design work whenever I was stuck in a rut, 她总是关心我过得怎么样. Ted Delaney is very kind and wants to help you succeed. When it comes to your work, he gives you such great constructive criticism. 我感激他对我说的每一句话. Paola Prado told me she would be there for me throughout my academic career, and she has been. She’s given me some incredible advice and has really guided me. Renee Soto has also helped me with opening up in my work. 她支持她所有的学生. All the support here has helped me blossom not only as a student, but as a person.”
