

迈克尔Integlia ' 70 P ' 12 

迈克尔Integlia理事兼校友迈克尔Integlia, Jr. is one of three hundred and forty-two graduates of the Roger Williams College Class of 1970. That year was the first time that a 毕业典礼 Ceremony was held on the Roger Williams Bristol campus, which is also celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. 

Named the 2007 Business Person of the Year by the Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, Michael is the President and CEO of 迈克尔Integlia & 公司, a premier builder and developer in New England, which has received numerous awards in achievement and recognition from various municipalities, 行业协会和商业期刊. 在普罗维登斯出生长大, RI, Michael takes much pride in the fact that he attended both high school and college in his hometown, 还有迈克尔·英格利亚 & 公司 has had an office in Providence for the last 44 years. 

“I love that Roger Williams has grown to become a University and has expanded in many ways. I am proud to be an Alumnus, Parent and Trustee,” said Michael. “I love that RWU is a regional university, serving the needs of many students from Rhode Island, 地区和世界.” 

在RWC的那些年里, Michael was the Charter President of the Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and during that time, he arranged for a tour of the World Trade Center in New York City while it was under construction. Some of Michael’s most influential professors were Horace Knight, Architectural Professor; Lou Sasso, Physics and Mathematics Professor; and Frank Zannini, 专业学院院长, who all were supportive and personally interested in their students. But it wasn’t all work and no play – “some of my fondest memories from my years at Roger Williams were the 5 cent beers at Steeple Street Bar while playing pool with my buddies!迈克尔回忆道. 

建筑与工程专业毕业, 迈克尔也是一名老兵, having served on the 143 Special Operations Group of the Rhode Island Air National Guard from 1967-1973. 

一颗无私的心, 迈克尔贡献了他的时间和才能, as he works toward sharing his success with new generations.