
An institution that prides itself on "strengthening society" and "being the University the world needs now" is an institution that supports civic engagement at all levels. 这包括选民教育和登记.

Roger Williams University has joined the All In Challenge, a national movement to encourage college student voting. "The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge strives for a more inclusive democracy: one in which all voices are heard. We envision a country in which the electorate mirrors our country’s makeup and college students are democratically engaged on an ongoing basis, 选举期间和选举之间, 不仅仅是在投票中."

因为RWU拥有同样的愿景, 我们召集了一群教员, 员工和学生收集资源, create programming and provide education around voting. 

投票的法律和程序因州而异. 驾驭这些对任何人来说都是困难的, but attending college in a different town or state from your home can make things more complicated.  

We have compiled resources to make your participation in the upcoming election easier. 不要让任何事情妨碍你去投票!


For many students, 2024 is the first election they will vote in.  With some careful planning, you can ensure your participation in the democratic process. 

在你秋天回佐治亚州立大学之前, be sure to register to vote online or through your Secretary of State’s office in your home community.

If you do not plan to go home to vote, here are your options:

  • 在你家乡的社区选举中投票, arrange for an absentee ballot or to vote early when you are home on another date. Both can be coordinated with the Secretary of State or Town Hall in your community. Absentee ballots must be secured in advance and each state has it’s own deadline. 
  • 要在国际扶轮投票,你必须 在国际扶轮登记.  You can do this via any of the online voter registration platforms or with the 国际扶轮国务卿办公室 using the last 4 digits of your SSN and your campus or off-campus address. You will not be able to vote in your home community races (you can only vote in one place!) 
  • You can register to vote for President only on November 5th at Bristol Town Hall. 

2023-2024年All In挑战委员会


Babette Alina,战略倡议总监


Jill Pais, Assistant Vice President of Communications and Media Relations

Dr. Joseph Roberts, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations

凯利·汤普森, Head Coach - Women's Basketball/Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance/Senior Woman Administrator


目前没有活动安排.  请回来查看更新. 

可信来源2020 RWU图书馆指南  Includes comprehensive resources for voter education for this election and beyond. 

鹰链上的所有挑战  Provides updated civic involvement and voter education and registration event information.

涡轮投票  Provides national voter registration information, including verifying existing registrations. 

50个州的州务卿办公室名单. Will link you to the unique voter laws in your home state. 

我们的时代就是现在 Created by Honors CORE 102 Challenges of Democracy with out of state voter reg info!


In 2021, RWU获得了ESTABLISHED的称号, the highest rank for college democratic engagement initiatives as determined by Civic Nation and the All In Democracy Challenge. RWU’s score of 31 (out of 36) is 31% higher than the national average. Not bad for our first attempt and a testament to the community members who worked hard to institutionalize our the commitment to voter education.