

每年一月, RWU biology students and faculty take advantage of the Winter Intersession to leave the cold of New England and venture to the tropics for a short, 热带生态学强化课程. 这是一门三学分的学术课程, where students gain first-hand experience with tropical ecosystems such as coral reefs, 红树沼泽, 热带雨林. For the past three years, the destination has been Belize, in Central America.

For 10 days we explore the natural and cultural highlights that the country has to offer, 从查溪的雨林露营地开始. 在这里,每天都要在丛林中徒步旅行, 参观蝴蝶养殖场, 以及沿着马卡尔河划独木舟. 夜间, most of the fun centers around watching toucans come home to roost, 引诱狼蛛和蝎子离开他们的藏身之处!

从查溪基地打来的, 我们还可以探索古老的玛雅文明, 参观寻南都尼奇的考古遗址, Cahal Pech, 埃尔·皮拉尔. 除了, a hike through the forest at Ixchel Farm demonstrates the range of plants with medicinal properties used by the Mayans, 其中许多至今仍在使用.

来自茶溪, 我们沿着蜂鸟高速公路向东南行驶, 在蓝洞国家公园停下来吃午饭, 在水坑里游泳, 然后进入一个巨大的地下洞穴. We then make our way to Cockscomb Basin Jaguar Reserve for a few more nights in the jungle.

尽管到目前为止,在旅途中还很难看到美洲虎, 我们确实可以和我们周围树上的吼猴说话, 然后开始了一系列徒步旅行,穿过茂密的雨林.

在旅行的最后几天, 我们离开了丛林, 然后乘船前往南水岛, 在暗礁上待上一段时间. The island has some excellent fringing and patch reefs just offshore, so most of our days (and at least one night) are spent snorkeling close to the beach and at some of the more isolated offshore reefs. 在这些旅行中,我们得到了海龟的款待, 护士鲨, 大梭鱼, 壮观的珊瑚, 数以百计的大大小小的珊瑚鱼. Those who are SCUBA certified can take the opportunity to dive on one of the reef "walls," where the reef ends abruptly and drops off to the seafloor 1000 feet below.

就像所有美好的事物一样,旅行终有结束的一天, and we are thrust back into the New England winter to return to campus in time for the Spring Semester. The class is a unique opportunity for students to explore and experience environments and cultures unlike anything they experience at home.


Students in good academic standing who meet the prerequisites may apply to attend a SEA semester, which is offered through the 航海教育协会 (SEA) of Woods Hole, 麻萨诸塞州.

This program combines intensive research in the areas of oceanography, 海洋研究, and nautical science with hands-on experience aboard a traditional sailing ship. 驾驶, 天文导航, and practical seamanship are learned together with oceanographic sampling techniques and marine laboratory procedures.

圆满完成写作, 数学, and the five-course Interdisciplinary Core; a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above; and permission from the program faculty.

Students who are not majoring in science or 数学 may use the 海上学期 to fulfill the Core Concentration requirement provided the following prerequisites are met before the 海上学期: satisfactory completion of the writing, 数学, and the five-course Interdisciplinary Core; a GPA of 2.5; and permission of the program faculty.

Students attending a 海上学期 enroll in the following courses:


Marine biology majors who successfully complete a 海上学期 must complete a minimum of 20 credits from the marine biology electives for the B.A. 学位,或至少13学分的B.S. 学位.

Note that RWU financial aid packages may not transfer to the SEA program.
All financial arrangements for the program are made directly with SEA.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 蒂莫西·斯科特,电话:(401)254-3563或tscott@jazztelfibraoptica.net
或访问 航海教育协会 在线.


Another study abroad option for Biology and Marine biology students is to join a Fall semester program at the 百慕大海洋科学研究所.

This semester-long course of study examines the natural processes and human interventions found in the Gulf Stream, 马尾藻海, 还有珊瑚群岛, 百慕大. 本学期分为两个部分, with the first 10 weeks devoted to in-depth study in a suite of courses, including coral Reef Ecology and Tropical Marine Invertebrate Zoology. The last four weeks will be entirely committed to a research project of the student's choice. 除了, students have the option of a 研究 Diving course leading to advanced certification.

Students in the 百慕大 semester program enroll in the following courses:

    BIO 336:热带海洋无脊椎动物动物学(4学分)

Marine Biology majors participating in the 百慕大 semester receive 8 credits for BIO 320 and BIO 335 in the Organismal and Ecology elective category, 并在应用选修类别中获得3个学分.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 Dr. 保罗•韦伯 or Dr. 蒂姆•斯科特.  另外,请浏览 百慕大海洋科学研究所 网站.