
Instructional Design regularly offers 培训 and events for all instructional technologies. 

Training is routinely offered for tools in 桥梁 (桥梁 Basics) as well as technologies such as Panopto, 和Turnitin. Tool 培训 is always based on best practices in instructional design and course development. 


研讨会 & 事件

If you are unable to attend a workshop, all workshops are recorded and are available on the ID培训工作坊记录 页面. 

If you have ideas for workshops or would like 培训 specifically for a department please reach out to


根据, 通用学习设计 (UDL) “guides the design of instructional goals, 评估, 方法, and material that can be customized and adjusted to meet individual needs.” Employing Universal Design principles and practices simply means designing a course and its materials to be all-inclusive and therefore Accessible, 或ADA兼容. 了解更多.


RWU战略计划的一个关键目标是 让我们的学习者做好准备. We have consistently focused on our students and this goal reflects that commitment. The concept of 通用学习设计 (UDL) is an approach to pedagogy that will allow us to engage all our students and provide them with opportunities to succeed, 不管背景和以前的教育经历如何. It also connects to our Equity Action Plan’s focus area of Student Access, Success and Equity.

了解更多关于 通用学习设计和我们的系列研讨会

There are simple ways to make your content more accessible using software you already have. 




If you are slated to teach a fully 在线 or hybrid course please reach out to to setup an appointment with an Instructional Designer and to begin the course design process.

或者,您也可以注册 在线加速教学 & Web-Enhanced课程 (once yearly) which reviews all the basics of course design and implementation (course outcomes, 目标, 桥梁与互动课程开发). 



第1部分:  在线组织课程 (视频)

第2部分: 创建数字内容 

第3部分: 开展在线学习活动

第4部分: 管理网上评核


Advice for best practices for teaching remotely is also plentiful on the web.  

斯坦福大学的随处授课 site offers lots of advice on ways to communicate with students, 分发课程资料, 提供讲座, 开展实验室活动, 促进学生之间的社区和合作, 评估学生的学习情况.

哈佛在线教学的远程教学最佳实践 提供平台和规范方面的建议, 可访问性, 教授不同类型的课程, 吸引学生.  不要错过他们的 德里克博克远程教学中心 网站也是如此.

大学在线课程设计 & 范德比尔特大学Iris中心.  本模块概述了向后设计的基础知识, 提供实用的建议, 策略, and steps to help develop and deliver a course for and during a variety of circumstances that include face-to-face, 在线, 混合教学.


在线测试 & 小测验


权重过大的作业, such as midterms and finals are difficult to run with integrity in an 在线 environment. Consider other ways to achieve your learning outcomes that reduce the need for proctoring.  其中一些可能包括: 

  • 多媒体项目

  • 在线讨论/论坛

  • 学生项目

  • 实得考试

  • 博客/维基

  • 离职面谈

  • 批评

  • 实验室现场回顾

  • 投资组合

  • 小测验 & 考试

  • 在期末成绩中计算出勤率和参与度

评估:桥梁的考试和测验 (车间视频)

除了 教学技术 RWU提供和支持的工具, 还有许多其他3d派对应用程序, 游戏, 可重用的学习对象, and collaborative tools that RWU faculty have used over the years to enhance their classes and 在线 learning courses. 

教学资源 是这些资源和集合的Lib指南吗.



  • Maintain communication through frequent emails, 在线 forums and individual student messaging. 

  • Distribute a welcome letter describing course 目标 and expectations.

  • Use a variety of assignments, including group work and student presentations.

  • Live classroom sessions for engaging students through discussions, 号召学生, 并在在线平台上使用投票和聊天功能.

  • 不同的主题和活动. 开展在线学习活动.

  • 基于项目的工作和休息室的使用.

  • Provide engaging topics and questions in the discussion forums and giving credit for participation.

  • 使用翻转课堂模式

  • Using a whiteboard tool to draw and illustrate during synchronous sessions.

  • 教授持续可靠的可用性.

教师建房建议 & 在网络环境下维护社区:

  • 使用论坛平台引发讨论, 参与学生与学生的互动, student-to-professor交互, 分享知识, 互相了解

  • Many faculty have found informal weekly check-ins to be useful in allowing students to ask questions, 给予反馈,分享/反思他们的经历.

  • Breakout rooms, in-class group activities, and group discussions during synchronous meeting time.

  • Scheduling small group meetings before and after class meetings.

  • Publicly recognizing students by name for their responses and inviting others to comment.

  • 联络频繁,办公时间更开放. 教练每天都“出现”.

  • Maintain energy and positivity recognizing that student participation may vary depending on individual situations.

异步 & 同步工具:

  • 公告
  • 电子邮件—个人,团体或所有学生
  • 电子邮件归档 
  • 日历 
  • 消息-个人,组,或所有学生
  • 民意调查
  • 反馈调查
  • Panopto
  • 论坛-虚拟课堂讨论
  • 公共资源-社会媒体工具
  • 博客/维基
  • 变焦
  • 假说.is(社交注释)


促进在线交流、参与和协作 (视频)

与学生互动 (视频)